


Worldcoin addresses Orb’s privacy concerns with third-party audit.

🌎📊 Worldcoin, the global cryptocurrency, recently released the results of a third-party audit conducted by Trail of Bits, a leading cybersecurity firm. The audit focused on Worldcoin’s iris-scanning Orb technology and aimed to assess its privacy and functionality aspects.

🔍 According to the report, Tools for Humanity (TFH) and the Worldcoin Foundation enlisted Trail of Bits to perform a detailed audit of the Orb’s software. This audit went beyond standard security checks, focusing specifically on how the Orb handles and secures user data.

🔒 The findings from the audit indicated that the Orb devices do not store personal information, except for encrypted iris codes used for verification purposes. This ensures the privacy and security of user data, as personal information is not stored or transferred by the devices.

Worldcoin Orb’s Privacy Scrutiny

🔍 TFH outlined several technical claims to guide the audit, with a specific focus on the Orb’s software version as of July 8, 2023.

😎 During the default opt-out signup process, the Orb only collects the user’s iris code, avoiding the storage or transfer of personally identifiable information (PII). This approach safeguards user privacy by minimizing the collection of sensitive data.

🔐 For users who choose a more data-inclusive signup flow, any PII saved on the device’s SSD is asymmetrically encrypted, making it inaccessible for decryption by the Orb itself. This further strengthens the security of user data.

📱 The audit also verified that the Orb does not extract sensitive information from a user’s device. The only data collected is encapsulated within a QR code, which is then scanned by the Orb for further processing.

💪 The handling of a user’s iris code was thoroughly scrutinized for security. The audit confirmed that the iris code is not stored persistently on the Orb and is transmitted in a single encrypted request to pre-approved servers.

Conclusion Drawn by Trail of Bits

🔒 According to Trail of Bits, the analysis “did not uncover vulnerabilities in the Orb’s code that can be directly exploited in relation to the Project Goals as described.” This means that the audited code is robust and resilient against potential exploits.

🔄 The report also mentioned that some unconfirmed concerns were raised, but the affected code has been updated, addressing these potential issues. Overall, the audit did not identify any compromises that would directly impact the project’s goals.

📰 For more updates on Worldcoin and the latest news in the blockchain industry, follow us on Google News.

🤔 Q&A

Q: How does Worldcoin’s Orb technology ensure the privacy of user data? A: The Orb technology collects only the user’s iris code, avoiding the storage or transfer of personally identifiable information (PII). The iris codes are encrypted and uploaded for verification purposes, ensuring that personal information is not stored or transmitted by the devices.

Q: Can the Orb device extract sensitive information from a user’s device? A: No, the Orb does not pull any sensitive information from a user’s device. The device only collects data encapsulated within a QR code, which is scanned for further processing. This approach ensures that user privacy is maintained.

Q: Were there any vulnerabilities found in the Orb’s code during the third-party audit? A: The audit conducted by Trail of Bits did not uncover any vulnerabilities that could be directly exploited in relation to the project goals. While some unconfirmed concerns were raised, the affected code has been updated to address these issues.

Q: What are the project goals of Worldcoin’s Orb technology? A: The project goals of the Orb technology include enhancing user privacy and security by collecting minimal personal information, securing encrypted iris codes, and ensuring that no personally identifiable information (PII) is stored or transferred by the devices.

📈 Insights and Future Outlook


🚀 Worldcoin的Orb技术成功通过第三方审计,进一步强调了该平台对隐私和功能性的承诺。对Orb软件和数据处理流程的彻底审查,使用户对其信息安全性充满信心。

🌟 展望未来,Worldcoin的注重隐私的方法可能会吸引更多用户群,特别是那些重视数据保护和隐私的用户。Trail of Bits进行的广泛审计证明了Worldcoin致力于提供安全可靠的加密货币解决方案。

💡 随着加密货币领域的不断演变,隐私和安全性将受到更多关注。通过主动解决这些问题,Worldcoin已经做好了在不断变化的数字领域中蓬勃发展的准备。

📚 参考资料

  1. Worldcoin官方Twitter
  2. Trail of Bits – Worldcoin Orb安全审计
  3. CyberMagazines – OKX加密货币交易所宣布将于2024年取消隐私币上市:究竟发生了什么?
  4. Google新闻 – Worldcoin审计
  5. MixImages – 冯鸿基
  6. MixImages – Worldcoin

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