
SEC 委员 Hester Pierce 在 2024 年 ETHDenver 会议上倡导加强去中心化


SEC Commissionor Hester Pierce advocates for increased decentralization in the financial system.

Hester Pierce speaking at ETHDenver. Source: Blocking.net

United States Securities and Exchange Commission Commissionor Hester Pierce, affectionately known as ‘Crypto Mom,’ recently spoke at the ETHDenver conference, advocating for more decentralization in the U.S. financial system. In her fireside chat with CNBC’s MacKenzie Sigalos, Pierce emphasized the benefits of decentralization and expressed her concerns about the risks of centralization.

Centralization vs. Decentralization: The Risks and Benefits

Pierce believes that centralization leads to concentrated risks, which can be detrimental to the financial system. On the other hand, decentralization can bring resilience and strength. Comparing the two, she humorously stated, “points of centralization always keep me up at night.” 🌙

Pierce’s stance on decentralization is significant, considering her role as a commissionor at the SEC. She was appointed in 2018 by former President Donald Trump, and her support for the cryptocurrency industry has earned her the nickname ‘Crypto Mom.’

Proposed Legislation and Confusion

During the ETHDenver conference, Pierce also discussed the proposed legislation that aims to treat decentralized technologies as financial institutions. She expressed her concerns, stating that there is a lot of confusion regarding who should register under these regulations. The complexities arise from treating network nodes, validators, non-custodial wallets, mining pools, and blockchain software as financial institutions. It’s a challenging task to figure out the appropriate regulatory framework for these decentralized entities.

The SEC’s Stance on Decentralization

Pierce highlighted the contrasting nature of decentralization with the traditional approach of the SEC. When there is code interaction instead of human or centralized authority involvement, it becomes a real challenge for the SEC to determine their jurisdiction and regulatory measures. She humorously mentioned that it’s not even the SEC’s role to “even get comfortable with crypto” 😄. The main focus of the SEC is to understand where the securities laws are implicated, provide necessary disclosure, and allow individuals to make their own decisions.

Striking the Balance: Regulation and Growth

While the SEC recently adopted rules that increase oversight on decentralized finance (DeFi) by requiring more market participants to register and comply with federal securities laws, Pierce noted that there should be provisions that allow projects to grow and become decentralized without the constant threat of legal action. She emphasized that clear rules are necessary for the industry to flourish, and going after projects that seek regulatory clarity is counterproductive.

Crypto’s Future, Spot ETFs, and CBDCs

During the fireside chat, Pierce touched on various other crypto-related topics. She discussed the agency’s future following the U.S. Presidential election, the potential for spot Bitcoin ETFs, and the implications of central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) on financial surveillance. Her insights and comments provided a deeper understanding of the ongoing discussions and potential developments in the crypto landscape.

Q&A: Addressing Readers’ Concerns

  1. Will decentralization eliminate all risks in the financial system? While decentralization brings resilience and strength, it doesn’t eliminate all risks. Any system, whether centralized or decentralized, carries its own set of risks. However, decentralization does help mitigate certain risks associated with centralization by distributing control and decision-making power.

  2. How can individuals navigate the confusion surrounding the proposed legislation on decentralized technologies? Navigating the regulatory landscape can be challenging, especially when it’s evolving rapidly. Individuals should seek legal counsel or consult experts who specialize in blockchain and decentralized technologies to ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

  3. What is the future outlook for decentralized finance (DeFi) in light of increased SEC oversight? While the SEC’s increased oversight may introduce regulatory challenges and compliance requirements for DeFi projects, it’s also an opportunity for the industry to mature and gain wider acceptance. Clear regulations and compliance can attract institutional investors and enhance the credibility of DeFi platforms.




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